“How is the gingerbread house coming? Can I have a candy? You aren’t going to use them all are you??” Nellie asked Josefina and Felicity.

Decorating a Gingerbread house is fun!- by Stitching with Elli

“NO! You can’t have any candy!”Felicity was very emphatic. ” If there are any leftovers AFTER we are done….then you can have some. ”

Decorating a Gingerbread house is fun!- by Stitching with Elli

“Did you need something, Nellie? or did you just want candy?” Josefina teased as she pretended to throw a gumball at Nellie.

Decorating a Gingerbread house is fun!- by Stitching with Elli

“I have come on an official mission,” Nellie said importantly and with great dignity.

“Oh, do tell us then. What is it?” Felicity replied.

“Bonnie and Maryellen have requested an official meeting of all the dolls in the living room by the big tree. So, I’m telling  everybody to come,” Nellie informed then.

Josefina and Felicity said they would  be there as soon as they got the icing off their fingers.

Soon everyone was gathered around the tree, ready for the “official meeting”.Getting ready to make big plans for Christmas eve- by Stitching with Elli

Bonnie addressed the group. “Thank you to everyone for coming! Maryellen and I wanted to call this meeting so we can discuss plans for tomorrow. We thought we could do a Christmas play. Is that favorable to everyone?”


“A play?? That sounds awesome!! Can I be a donkey? or wait, maybe a king? or a umm…what else is there to be?” Susan was quick to be enthusiastic.

Making big plans for Christmas eve- by Stitching with Elli

The others were ,too. Everyone thought it was great idea.

Maryellen then explained what the different sections of the play would be….

  1. Angel appearing to Zachariah
  2. Angel appearing to Mary
  3. Mary visiting Elizabeth
  4. Angel appearing to Joseph
  5. Trip to Bethlehem
  6. Angels appearing to the shepherds
  7. Three kings
  8. Anna and Simeon

She had a list of all the parts. They could come to her and tell her what they wanted to sign up for, then they would be responsible for their section. That meant that they could pick their actors and direct their section.  “Does anyone have any questions?” Making big plans for Christmas eve- by Stitching with Elli

“I do!” Rose waved her hand in the air, “What do we do for costumes?”

Making big plans for Christmas eve- by Stitching with Elli

“Excellent question. Emily said she is too busy with family plans to make us costumes. So, we will have to be creative and see what we can find. She suggested we look in the fabric scraps, ” Bonnie answered.  “Any other questions?”

“What time are we doing the play?” Alice asked.

Making big plans for Christmas eve- by Stitching with Elli

“Ummm, well, tomorrow night…but I’m not sure of the time exactly. Maybe aim for 7:00?

With that question settled, the meeting adjourned and they all hurried off to different planning tasks.

Ellen and Bonnie got out the Bible to write down all the references that should go with the sections of the play –  to help the “Directors” with their planning.

Making big plans for Christmas eve- by Stitching with Elli

Another crew worked on the costumes.

“What do you think? Do I look like an inn keeper?” Bridget asked.

Making costumes for the christmas play!- by Stitching with Elli

“Look! If I turn my coat inside out, does it look like a king’s coat??” Rose was very excited with the discovery.

Making costumes for the christmas play!- by Stitching with Elli

“Oh, yes!! That looks great!” Elizabeth told her.

“Yay! One king costume is  done!” Nellie cheered.

“What about this brown for  Joseph to wear?” Elizabeth held up a fabric piece.

Making costumes for the christmas play!- by Stitching with Elli

She was interrupted by Samantha leaping up on the couch…..”GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST!!!!!!……What do you think of this for my angel costume?” She asked.

Making costumes for the christmas play!- by Stitching with Elli

The reviews from the workers on the couch were very positive.

“Whoa! That is very golden….I like it!!”

“It looks very impressive!”

“It looks very long…Are you going to trip on it?”

Making costumes for the christmas play!- by Stitching with Elli

“It is a little long,” Alice answered. She was wearing a much more toned down version of angel attire. “But I can help her with the “train” so she won’t fall.”

Making costumes for the christmas play!- by Stitching with Elli

In another area, Lanie, Emma and Lea are working on writing scenes.

Plotting and making plans for Christmas Eve!- by Stitching with Elli

They look very intense and hard at work….

Plotting and making plans for Christmas Eve!- by Stitching with Elli

I wonder if they will be able to pull a play together on such short notice…Do you think they can? We will have to wait until tomorrow to see 🙂