Ellen decided the best strategy was to set up all her healthy snacks before the other dolls came out.  She pulled out her grocery bags and started putting things out.

Ellen is trying to give the dolls healthy options for New year's eve- by Stitching with Elli

“Hmmm, where should I put this? Is seaweed sweet or salty or umm… other?” She thought to herself.

She pulled out a piece and stared at it…”I think it is “other”, so it doesn’t matter where it goes,” she decided.

Ellen is trying to give the dolls healthy options for New year's eve- by Stitching with Elli

She pulled up a big basket to display all her “goodies”. There were a lot of things to put out! She was starting to think that maybe she had gotten too much .

Ellen is trying to give the dolls healthy options for New year's eve- by Stitching with Elli

She tasted a dried pea pod….wasn’t too impressed, so decided to just put a few in the middle.

Ellen is trying to give the dolls healthy options for New year's eve- by Stitching with Elli

The dried berry mix was better….The strawberries were her favorite…but the cherries weren’t bad either.

Ellen is trying to give the dolls healthy options for New year's eve- by Stitching with Elli

“I wonder if these pretzels are really healthier.  Maybe they squish the calories out of them?” she muttered to herself while crunching on one.

Ellen is trying to give the dolls healthy options for New year's eve- by Stitching with Elli

She hummed to herself as she busily arranged things and filled the basket.

Ellen is trying to give the dolls healthy options for New year's eve- by Stitching with Elli

“Stale chips?!??! Is that healthy??? Oh, wait…that says Kale, not stale.” She giggled at her mis-read.

Ellen is trying to give the dolls healthy options for New year's eve- by Stitching with Elli

She dumped the sweet potato chips in the basket.  She decided they looked cheerful with their orangey color.

Ellen is trying to give the dolls healthy options for New year's eve- by Stitching with Elli

She sliced up the Gouda and the Cheddar goat cheese.  While she was finishing, the other dolls set up the other end of the table with the not-so-healthy choices.

Ellen is trying to give the dolls healthy options for New year's eve- by Stitching with Elli

“What is this thing???” Felicity was exceedingly curious.

Felicity isn't sure about the dried sea weed snack- by Stitching with Elli

“It isn’t exactly a leaf, it is kind of gelatin-ish”. She inspected it carefully.

“It is dried seaweed. It has lots of Vitamin A,” Ellen informed her.

Felicity stared at the back of Ellen’s head….”Wellll ,of course it is…Doesn’t everyone eat  dried sea weed?” Felicity giggled, while she debated whether to take a bite or not.

Ellen is trying to give the dolls healthy options for New year's eve- by Stitching with Elli

“Is that dried broccoli? Are those normal chips or something special?” Rose was peering into the basket and trying to identify things.

The American Girl's celebrate New years eve- by Stitching with Elli

“What are these things?  How do you eat them? Mush..rooms? Do you put them in mush or oatmeal???” Debbie had found an interesting package at the end of the table.

Ellen said she wasn’t sure how to eat the mushrooms…but they didn’t go on oatmeal ,she was sure.

Ellen is trying to give the dolls healthy options for New year's eve- by Stitching with Elli

Bridget was having none of it….She headed straight for the brownies covered in nice fluffy cream cheese/ Cool Whip frosting with crushed candy canes!

The American Girl's celebrate New years eve- by Stitching with Elli

Felicity was still trying to decide if she wanted to take a bite…but  finally decided to try it.

The American Girl's celebrate New years eve- by Stitching with Elli

“AHH ARGG!!, umm I mean that tastes very….umm unique. I need something to drink RIGHT NOW! It made me umm.. remarkably (cough cough).. thirsty…” She reached for what she thought was the juice.  I think she may be surprised when she drinks it…it is tart cherry juice.

The American Girl's celebrate New years eve- by Stitching with Elli

“These dried veggies are interesting…Some of them taste good, and some of them taste like paint chips,” Nellie said thoughtfully as she munched on them. Then she looked at Ellen’s anxious, crestfallen face….”I mean umm, paint chips taste fascinating…That is just what I was in the mood for, before I eat some chips and dips. It kind of cleans out the palatte before eating other things,” Nellie fumbled around, trying make Ellen feel better.

“The Apple salad looks lovely.” Bonnie interrupted to guide the conversation away from Nellie’s fumbling comments.

The American Girl's celebrate New years eve- by Stitching with Elli

“So are the brownies,” Bridget mumbled around a mouthful. “Whaaat?” (Bonnie kicked her and was trying to jerk her head, motioning towards Ellen.)

The American Girl's celebrate New years eve- by Stitching with Elli

“Can we go watch a movie now? ” Lea jumped into the conversation. She hadn’t tried the “healthy options” either. She had gone for the chips and dip…plus a cup of pop.

The American Girl's celebrate New years eve- by Stitching with Elli

“As soon as I finish making my seaweed and cheese sandwich,” Debbie answered.

The American Girl's celebrate New years eve- by Stitching with Elli

There was the usual chatter that follows the suggestion to watch a movie, as they decide which one they would watch. Some wanted to watch the Disney Zorro movie, others wanted to watch Davy Crockett or Chitty Chitty Bang Bang…and  there was also a suggestion for Pride and Prejudice in there.

The American Girl's celebrate New years eve- by Stitching with Elli

I think Felicity is still trying to find something to calm down her taste buds. She didn’t really join in the suggestions. She  was  studying the back of the bottles, trying to decide if any would be good, or if she should just go get a big glass of milk.

The American Girl's celebrate New years eve- by Stitching with Elli

I’m not sure which movie they decided to watch…but I think they watched several before midnight. They came back for snacks periodically during the movie. The “non-healthy” snacks tended to disappear faster.

Even Ellen, after extolling the virtues of some of the most disagreeable options…..

The American Girl's celebrate New years eve- by Stitching with Elli

finally gave in and ate some lovely, gooey brownies and then some crunchy potato chips.

I don’t think the dolls are going to be asking Ellen for more healthy snack suggestions any time soon 😉

Happy New Year!! I hope everyone has a lovely year! I’m wondering what new adventures the dolls will have this year 😀