I had to go on a business trip. Business trips are a lot of work and not much fun. To make it more fun, I took several of the girls and we stopped at a museum on the way home. The front of the museum was about the local history of the town of Wharton,Texas. The dolls were interested in it, but we didn’t take any pictures. Watching people read signs isn’t that interesting. But at the back of the museum….we found the most fascinating things!!

The dolls explore a museum!!- a American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

An Airplane!!!!! Debbie thought it was very exciting. She told Samantha and Bridget that she was sure she could fly it. After all she had ridden in the airplane, so she “knew how things worked”. Samantha wasn’t sure that was good enough experience for flying an airplane. Bridget, however, was willing to try it if they could get the airplane out of the museum. (p.s in museums you are NOT supposed to climb on things…but they gave special permission for the dolls. )

“Look! I’m a wing walker!!” Bridget called to the two in the cockpit.

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

“Don’t fall off!!” called Samantha.

“Unless you have a parachute, then it might be exciting” added Debbie.

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

Then, they ducked down inside to examine the controls. Samantha had to admit that Debbie at least sounded like she knew something about it. The only problem was that there didn’t seem to be a steering wheel…just a straight stick in the middle. They decided the wheel must have fallen off somewhere.

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

“Debbie! Samantha! come look at this!” Bridget called. She was looking at something on the ground by the airplane.

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

“Wow!! what a tiny airplane!! It is too small for even us!” Debbie exclaimed as she looked at it.

“That would be so fun to play with!” was Samantha’s comment.

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

Then, the museum lady offered to play the jukebox  for them. The dolls thought this was the most amazing big musical box they had ever seen. They started tapping their toes and dancing together.

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

Debbie and Bridget kept stepping on each other’s toes because they were giggling so hard.

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

After the jukebox finished playing they moved on to see what was on the next row of things.

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

“What are all these wooden boxes with knobs? are they vintage air conditioning units?” asked Debbie.

“Maybe  they are storage chests with a secret code opening, like a safe?’ suggested Bridget.

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

Samantha didn’t think that was right. Then she saw the sign and announced they were all radios.

The next thing that caught their interest was a funny-looking kitchen appliance thing. They weren’t sure what it was, because the sign was on top. They were too short to see it.

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

They knew what the sewing machine was, though! Samantha said she wished she could take it home. Josefina would like a sewing machine her size.

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

“Ooh look!! Doll stairs!!” cried Samantha scrambling up to the top.

“Emily should get one of these. It would make it sooo much easier to get to high counters. maybe we could get her one for Christmas.” said Debbie.

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

“Do museums ever sell things?” asked Bridget.

“Not unless you have a LOT of money,” replied Samantha.

“I want to call someone on the telephone!” Debbie’s attention was captured by the wall hanging telephone.

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

It was too high. She couldn’t reach it.

She did find another telephone later.

“Hellllloooo?? Operator??? Samantha are you sure you dialed the right number?  oh hello? Yes? Who is this? Charlie’s pizza delivery?? Oh, I’m so sorry I think I called the wrong number!”


“Samantha! that was definitely the wrong number!”

“Oops sorry….this dial is hard to figure out.” replied Samantha.

“How about  just writing a letter home on these funny looking computers?” suggested Bridget.

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

“This one doesn’t have any paper”, commented Debbie as she inspected the machine.

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

It was time to go. Before we left, we took a look down one little side hallway we hadn’t looked at yet. What we found was very unexpected and a little frightening!!

They saw some animal skulls. Samantha and Bridget walked over and examined them.

“Wow that has big teeth,” Samantha told Bridget.

“What kind of animal is it?” asked Bridget.

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

“THAT HAS BIG TEETH??? LOOK OVER YOUR HEAD!! It is HUGE” yelled a very shocked Debbie. “What is that?? Is it real? Do animals even get that big?”


The dolls were very surprised to see that it was an elephant head. They had never seen one before!! Samantha said it was rather scary and she was glad it wasn’t alive, because it would probably smash them and not even notice.

Further in the room, there were many more animals to see. Some animals looked pretty and some animals looked pretty ferocious!

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

“Ooo a kitty cat!” said Bridget as she climbed up.

“I like Emily’s cats better…That one looks mean”, Samantha replied.

“Oooh look! a BIIIIIG bear!”

“Look over here a funny looking cow!”

“A polar bear!!”

“I’m leaving. H,e looks too scary!” said Bridget turning heel and walking away.

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

“See you outside!!” she called over her shoulder.

The dolls explore a museum- an American girl photostory by Stitching with Elli

The chatter on the way home was that they thought the animals were fascinating . BUT it was also very scary that all those animals were so very much bigger than they were. They were very glad they didn’t live where those animals live.