“Thank you for coming. This meeting is to plan for the New year’s Eve activities.” Debbie informed the others. She and Bridget and Ellen were gathered around her bed, ready to plan.

The Dolls are planning a Party- By Stitching with Elli

“What do people do on New Year’s Eve?” Bridget asked.

The Dolls are planning a Party- By Stitching with Elli

“Well, different people do different things, but the main point is to stay up until midnight and then yell “Happy New year!!!!” After that you can go to sleep, which I suppose makes you start off the new year tired from lack of sleep.. Anyway, that is what is normally done,” Ellen informed her.

The Dolls are planning a Party- By Stitching with Elli

“Yes, that is the basic idea. We can stay up and play games or maybe watch a movie…or even just talk. One thing I know we need is snacks. Snacks make parties more fun, plus help keep me awake,” Debbie added.

“Oh YAY!!!!” Bridget cried “How about chips? and dip? OH Oh, and Ice Cream???”

The Dolls are planning a Party- By Stitching with Elli

“mmmhmm” said Debbie as she wrote it down .”And we can do chocolate, and pop….maybe even punch”

Ellen fidgeted and started brushing her hair harder. “Aren’t we going to do anything more healthy? We just ate a lot of cookies for Christmas! I don’t want to gain weight. What about carrots or or umm liver?”

The other two stared at her for a second.

“But it is a party!” wailed Bridget “How can we have a party without snacks?”

“Technically, we are dolls and dolls don’t gain weight.” Debbie pointed out.

The Dolls are planning a Party- By Stitching with Elli

Ellen couldn’t really argue with the fact that they were dolls, but she still insisted it couldn’t be a good thing to only eat junk food all the time. “I read that if you eat right, you have more energy, and are stronger!” Ellen told them.

In the middle of this discussion, Nellie wandered in and plopped on the bed.

“What are you all planning?” she asked.

The Dolls are planning a Party- By Stitching with Elli

“We are planing the refreshments for the New Year’s Eve party,” Ellen explained. “I’m trying to persuade them to have more healthy options than pop, and chips and dip and things like that.”

“But we think it won’t be a party unless we have some good stuff like ice cream, etc,” Bridget chimed in.

Nellie said she would have to side with Debbie and Bridget.

The Dolls are planning a Party- By Stitching with Elli

Ellen gave in, but still occasionally mumbled things about being sluggish or tired all the time.

The planning continued for a while and then broke up.

Later the next day, I saw Ellen surfing the internet on my ipad….and then she asked me if I could borrow her phone, and did I know the number for Uber. I told her I didn’t think it was very safe for a dolly to travel with Uber, but if she wanted, she could go into town with me.

She was quiet on the trip and kept checking her list. She was rather vague about what she wanted to get. She said it was things for the party, but it was a surprise.

The Dolls are planning a Party- By Stitching with Elli  I asked if she needed help in the store, but she insisted that she would be okay  on her own.  (She didn’t quite do it on her own, though….There was a grocery store bagger that helped her carry her bag.) When we got home, I asked if she needed help carrying the bag in.

The Dolls are planning a Party- By Stitching with Elli

“No,  that is okay. I want to keep it a surprise until tomorrow night. ” she told me.

The Dolls are planning a Party- By Stitching with Elli

I pretended I didn’t see some of the bags peeking over the edge of the big bag.

“Can I hide this in your room, until then?” Ellen asked. I said I didn’t mind as long as she could find an out-of-the-way place to stuff it.

The Dolls are planning a Party- By Stitching with Elli

…..I wonder what she is planning?